This is our new release for ocean lovers, the collection is called "Deep Ocean" and will include necklaces pendants and bracelets also in tagua nuts and wants to create awareness about clean ocean water, where less plastic and straws are trow to the ocean and more sea life is saved from contamination and overfishing.
The collection is totally hand carved using as the only tool a Bremmer driller, see pictures each animal is a mini sculpture piece of art in tagua nuts. Hand carved by my talented master carver Oliver Ruiz, part of my Artisan team, work I admire very much
.lEarrings are long about the size of the pendants in our marine life necklaces around 3 inches in length and 1.5 inches diameter.
Big tagua marine life ocean earrings/Seahorse earrings/ dolphin earrings/whale
Excluding Sales Tax